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Figure 1
Scattering curves for combusted [I(q)B] and intact samples [I(q)NB]. (a) I(q) for sample S1; green and orange denote intact and combusted fragments, respectively. (b) I(q) for sample S52; red and violet show intact and combusted fragments, respectively. (c) I(q) for sample S51; blue and gray represent intact and combusted fragments, respectively. On each I(q) versus q diagram, the blue upper boxes highlight sizes in ångström calculated using d = 2π/q, with q values from the abscissa axis. BGD stands for background. Average power-law slope values are displayed in bold italic cases respecting the color codes used for each sample. The number in parentheses highlights the SD (1σ SD) calculated for each average power-law value. Vertical green boxes show scatterer sizes in ångström, representing inflection points where the average power-law slope value changes. For example, Porod regions occur between scatterers with sizes ranging from 44 to 81 Å in combusted sample S52.

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