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Figure 4
PVDs for intact and combusted samples [(a) sample S51, (b) sample S52 and (c) sample S1]. Segmented curves represent intact samples. Continuous curves represent combusted samples. Curves are colored according to the code used in previous figures. Difference PVD curves (ΔPVD) are shown in black. [{\rm TVF}_{\rm NAI}^{\rm B}\,\,{\rm{and}}\,\,\,{\rm TVF}_{\rm invariant}^{\rm B}] represent the TVF of combusted samples estimated using N2 adsorption isotherms and the invariant calculated via Irena, respectively. TVFB−NB denotes the volume fraction released after combustion. Sizes in nanometres indicate scatterer-size peaks in the PVDs. [\rm TVF_{SAXS}^B\,\,{{and}}\,\, TVF_{SAXS}^{NB}] represent the volume fractions calculated using SAXS analyses via the maximum entropy code in Irena. The pale-yellow regions denote scatterer sizes for which the scattering curves display power-law slopes between −3.2 and −3.5 for combusted samples. Pale-green areas represent Porod regions in combusted samples.

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ISSN: 1600-5767
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