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Figure 1
Full reciprocal-space map of the as-grown stoichiometric NiFe2O4 (NFO film with x = 1, film thickness 13.9 nm). The left-hand side shows schematically the expected Bragg positions for MgO and NFO. Because of the marginal difference between the two lattice constants, the lattice mismatch is neglected. The blue squares denote NFO reflections contributed by the A sublattice (tetrahedral cation sites) that are exclusive to the spinel structure, while the red crosses show the reflections contributed only by the B sublattice (octahedral cation sites) that are also allowed in a rock salt structure (open circles for MgO reflections). On the right-hand side, the white dashed box indicates the region of the (22L)NFO CTR including the (224)NFO Bragg reflection monitored in Fig. 2 for the evolution of intensity during growth. The dark regions at the positions of the substrate's reflections are beam stops protecting the detector from the bright Bragg reflections of the MgO substrate. Note the logarithmic intensity scale.

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