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Figure 5
Automated buffer and sample regions as selected by RAW (green and purple shaded regions) and CHROMIXS (red and green dots) for various SEC-SAXS datasets. The total subtracted intensity for each dataset is shown in black (left axis) and the calculated Rg across the elution is shown in blue (right axis). Subtracted profiles were calculated using the buffer range selected by RAW and Rg calculations were carried out using RAW. The plots show the following. (a) Well behaved SEC-SAXS data showing a flat buffer region, a well separated single peak and relatively constant Rg across the peak. The sample ranges selected by RAW and CHROMIXS are overlapping, with CHROMIXS selecting a larger region while RAW excludes frames where the Rg starts to trend slightly downward on the edges of the peak. (b) A poorly separated sample showing only a small region of potentially usable constant Rg profiles on the right edge of the peak. Here, RAW selects frames in that constant Rg region, where CHROMIXS fails to do so and selects frames in the obviously overlapped region where Rg trends upwards. (c) A rare case where RAW selects a buffer range obviously within the elution region, resulting in incorrect background subtraction. CHROMIXS selects an appropriate buffer range.

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