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Figure 4
Fractal dimensional analysis (Meindl & Henn, 2008BB35) of the residual densities of the models using 4G+c (orange circles; Maslen et al., 2006BB33) and the newly proposed Thakkar-wavefunction-based densities (blue crosses), and the difference between them (Thakkar − Maslen, green dashed line). (a) Structure 1 (egross = 44.6/44.4), (b) structure 2 (egross = 30.0/29.9), (c) structure 3 (egross = 37.9/37.7) and (d) structure 4 (egross = 176.6/175.6). egross is given in electrons and for 4G+c/Thakkar, respectively.

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