Figure 1
Two-dimensional scattering geometry definitions used in INSIGHT within the laboratory reference frame (LRF) and sample reference frame (SRF). ki is the initial wavevector, kf is the final wavevector and q is the momentum transfer of the scattering event. The LRF (x, y, z) is used to describe the detector and sample position and orientation and to define the real-space scattering angles. The SRF (xq, yq, zq) is rotated around the y axis of the LRF (both origins lie at the tip of ki at the sample center). αi and αfs are the incident and exit angles, respectively, with respect to the sample plane. αΔk is the scattering angle with respect to the incident beam, i.e. the angle between kf and ki. The scattering angle in the xy plane of the LRF is ϕ. The schematic drawing is depicted in two dimensions with a vertical detector for easier representation, but INSIGHT supports detector rotation in three dimensions (see text). |