Figure 10
INSIGHT application examples from the literature for 2D GISAXS/GIWAXS data reduction and analysis. (a) (Left) Time series of radial GIWAXS cuts showing the annealing of slot-die-coated perovskite. The SDD was corrected for all GIWAXS data using INSIGHT. (Right) Bragg peak area evolution of the intermediate (MA)2(Pb3I8)·2DMSO, MAPbI3 and PbI2 with the temperature in red. Adapted and reproduced with permission from Reus et al. (2022 ), copyright (2022) John Wiley and Sons Inc. (b) The mechanism of SDD changes during sample-stage heat expansion. The induced height change leads to a shift of the illuminated area, which results in an effective SDD change correctable by an INSIGHT function. The SDD for each frame was calculated from the temperature-invariant PbI2 Bragg reflection position. Adapted and reproduced with permission from Reus et al. (2022 ), copyright (2022) John Wiley and Sons Inc. (c) (Left) Azimuthal tube cut data with the fit (black) of the MAPbI3 110/002 Bragg reflection after the annealing process for a spin-cast sample. Intensities from isotropically and edge-on oriented crystallites are shown in green and red, respectively. (Middle) A pole figure created by multiplication by the Lorentz factor for 2D in-plane powders. (Right) Time series of the evolution of the material quantity of the respective orientations. Avrami model fits are shown as solid lines. Adapted and reproduced with permission from Reus et al. (2022 ), copyright (2022) John Wiley and Sons Inc. (d) (Left) Two-dimensional GISAXS data of the organic donor–acceptor system PTB7-Th:PCBM for organic solar cells. (Right) INSIGHT offers specialized cutting, graining, exporting and plotting functions to create and process horizontal (and vertical) line cuts. The horizontal line cuts were exported and modeled to access domain distances and sizes. Adapted and reproduced with permission from Reb et al. (2023 ), copyright (2023) John Wiley and Sons Inc. (e) (Left) Two-dimensional GIWAXS data of an organic PBDB-T:ITIC thin film spin-coated from chloroform. (Right) Radial cake cuts of the respective GIWAXS data for different solvents. Fits are shown as solid red lines. Black lines indicate the background (shaded area). Adapted and reproduced with permission from Grott et al. (2022 ), copyright (2022) John Wiley and Sons Inc. (f) (Top) Two-dimensional GIWAXS data of pristine and final slot-die-coated perovskite quantum dot layers. Bragg spot indexing was done using INSIGHT and the orientations are (001)||S and (111)||S, respectively. (Bottom) Schematic representations of the respective unit cells to show the orientations with respect to the substrate. Adapted and reproduced with permission from Reus et al. (2023 ), copyright (2023) John Wiley and Sons Inc. |