Figure 2
Alternative explanation for the intensity distribution differences in CBED patterns taken through voids of equal size that are equidistant in opposite directions from the specimen midplane, using the reciprocity theorem. (a) Repeat of the schematic illustrating the situation in Fig. 1 (d). The electron source is labelled S, the detector is labelled D and one scattering event, labelled P, is considered, arbitrarily placed in the midplane of the specimen. (b) The source and detector have been exchanged with respect to P as per reciprocity. (c) Identical to (b), but rotated by 180°. (d) A copy of (a) to aid the comparison with (c). Note that the scattering event at P precedes the void in (c) but succeeds the void in (a) and (d) so the two scenarios are different, and one therefore expects different diffraction patterns as in Fig. 1 (d) and 1(f). |