Figure 2
Overview of supported sub-units. (a) A solid cylinder (SEB name SolidCylinder, reference points by which it can be linked to other sub-units: center, hull, ends, surface), (b) a solid sphere (SolidSphere: center, surface), (c) a solid spherical shell (SolidSphericalShell: center, surfacei, surfaceo, surface), (d) a thin spherical shell (ThinSphericalShell: center, surface), (e) a thin disk (ThinDisk: center, surface, rim), (f) a linear polymer (GaussianPolymer: end1, end2, middle, contour), (g) a polymer loop (GaussianLoop: contour), (h) a thin circle (ThinCircle: center, contour), (i) a thin rod (ThinRod: end1, end2, middle, contour) and (j) an invisible point (Point: point). |