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Figure 4
Results from SX-CT characterization are presented as follows: (A) A 3D volume rendering of the LSPS SE. (B) The cross section chosen from (A) is highlighted by a green rectangle. An inset white dotted rectangle indicates the region featured in (C). (C) A magnified view of the selected cross section of the LSPS SE. The yellow dotted and solid lines represent the original and current Li|LiAl interfaces, respectively. The LiAl|LSPS interface is delineated by blue dashed lines. Regions marked (1), (2), and (3) in green signify the electrochemically generated interphase. Red diamonds mark crack tips, while the red rectangle indicates a crack size of approximately 5 µm. Irregular dark-gray regions denote the as-formed cracks. Orange arrow lines depict the direction of Li creep. Both solid and dotted black and white arrow lines suggest potential pathways for Li ions and electrons during electrochemical cycling. Adapted, with permission, from Fig. 2 of Sun et al. (2022BB118), copyright 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.

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