Figure 5
LG symmetry of helically coiled CNT (3,3,0,0,((1,0),(0,5))): LHCCNT = T19/4 D1, generated by (i) 8π/19 rotation followed by a fractional translation f = 4.84 Å and (ii) π rotation around the axis perpendicular to the helical axis. Carbon atoms arrange themselves on a helical tubular surface, forming pentagons, hexagons and heptagons. The tube is commensurate, with translational period a = 91.87 Å. Since LHCCNT is a nonsymmorphic group, the isogonal point group PI = D19 is not its subgroup and differs from the point factor P = D1. The other structural parameters are as follows: helix diameter D = 21.98 Å, inclination angle of the helix χ = 19.42°, mean tubular diameter (as helically coiled CNTs are corrugated) d ≃ 7 Å, monomer length h = f/sinχ = 14.54 Å. The unit cell contains 2280 atoms, with the monomer comprising 120 atoms and the symmcell consisting of 60 atoms, highlighted in bold. |