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Figure 3
Qxy dependency of R* from the water surface (a) and from the surface of the mixture of water with 10 vol% ethanol (b). The surface tensions are 73 and 53 mN m−1 (Vazquez et al., 1995BB42), at 295 and 293 K, respectively. Data (circles) at different Qz are color coded and offset by a factor of 10 from each other, while the corresponding Qz values are given on the left. Solid lines are the theoretical [Q_{xy}^{\eta - 2}] drop given by the tension and temperature at each Qz according to equation (6)[link]. The black dashed lines show simulated curves for [Q_{xy}^{ - 2}]. These η = 0 curves, compared with the data, highlight that η must be non-zero to describe the curves for the largest Qz values.

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