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Figure 6
GIXOS-derived [R_{\rm pseudo}^\prime] (blue triangles) and XRR-measured R′ (black circles) from the same Gibbs adsorption layer of CTAB (γ = 45 mN m−1) at the air–water interface at 292 K from a 0.6 mM solution (12ID, NSLS-II). Separately obtained [R_{\rm pseudo}^\prime] at P08 from the same system is included for reference (magenta crosses). [R_{\rm pseudo}^\prime] are derived using the Qz-dependent δQxy,R of the rectangular angular opening used in the XRR measurement (Δβ = ±0.5 mrad, Δ2θ = ±0.5 mrad). Note that, due to the impurity, the reflectivity fringes here differ slightly from the reflectivity of the Gibbs layer from a highly purified CTAB solution (Sloutskin et al., 2022BB35).

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