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Figure 5
Values of 〈u2ω obtained from the fits shown in Fig. 4 versus ℏω. Fits to equation (4[link]) are shown as solid lines. The results are given in Table 3[link]. (Top) Experimental results of Samples 1–4 (Table 1[link]) at 280 K. Blue circles, green triangles, magenta pentagons and cyan squares represent values for BSA 100 mg ml−1 (Sample 1), BSA 500 mg ml−1 (Sample 2), Myo (Sample 3) and IgG (Sample 4), respectively. (Bottom) A plot of 〈u2ω versus energy transfer for the modeled S(q, ω) from Section 2[link] as a blue line. The orange dashed–dotted line represents a fit to equation (4[link]).

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