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Figure 6
Comparison of reconstructions with the ZH method and using SH to provide a starting guess for the optimization using different subsets of the full data set containing (a) 178 projections, (b) 89 projections, (c) 49 projections and (d) 51 projections. In (ac), the projections are selected to make the sampling of the unit sphere as evenly spaced as possible, while in (d) only a single equatorial line is used. The plotted voxels are selected with a volume mask based on a threshold of the absorption tomogram. The 3D renderings use perspective shading with the virtual light source placed above the scene. The anisotropy used as the color scale is the anisotropic power divided by the isotropic power [[|c_{00}|/( {\sum_{\ell = 0}^{\ell_{{\rm max}}}c_{\ell 0}^{2}}) ^{1/2}]].

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