Figure 6
Comparison of performance per iteration among ePIE, rPIE and CRISP. (a)–(c) show the amplitude (upper) and phase (bottom) of object images reconstructed by (a) ePIE, (b) rPIE and (c) CRISP, respectively. (d)–(f) show the probe reconstructed by ePIE, rPIE and CRISP, respectively. (g) and (h) show the ground-truth object image and probe, respectively. (i) and (j) are the calculated FRC and RF factor, respectively. The FRC figures correspond to 100, 200 and 300 iterations from left to right, respectively. The line colors correspond to the colors of (a)–(c).The horizontal black line in (j) represents the RF factor between the diffraction patterns and their noise-free version. Bars in (c), (d) and (g) indicate 4 µm, and those in the inset are 0.5 µm. |