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Figure 7
Comparison of reconstruction performance among (a) ePIE, (b) rPIE and CRISP with (c) no clipping, (d) ePIE-like clipping and (e) scale-adaptive clipping. The left and right columns are high dose and low dose, respectively. The line colors in (f) and (g) correspond to the colors of (a)–(e). For ease of viewing, only the purple line is dashed. The reconstructed amplitude and phase images of the object are shown in the left and middle of each column, respectively. The reconstructed probes are shown in the right of each column. (f) and (g) are the FRC for high dose and low dose, respectively. The typical diffraction intensities are shown at the top. Bars in (e) indicate 4 µm, and that in the inset 0.5 µm.

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