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Figure 8
ξ-dependent performance of CRISP. The left and right columns are the result of high-dose and low-dose data, respectively. The top row is the RF factor, the middle is the RF factor at the final iteration for each ξ and the bottom is FRC. For all subfigures, the colors correspond to values of fixed ξ, which go from yellow to blue as the value increases from 0. The dashed black lines are ePIE, the dashed brown lines are rPIE, the red line and points are the automatic-ξ-tuned CRISP, and the rest are the ξ-fixed CRISP. The black lines in the top row represent the RF factor between the diffraction patterns and their noise-free version. The ξ values of the red points on the middle row were calculated using the final updated ξ[K] as (1/c)ξ[K] by considering the scaling by tuning parameter c.

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