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Figure 3
A heatmap combining 800 integrated patterns, showing the evolution of the compression–decompression ramp run. The panel shown on the right illustrates the pressure evolution. Using the letters A to E, we indicate different important steps of the compression ramp. Horizontal lines of various styles indicate selected pressure points and can be used as guides for the eye. From bottom to top, they highlight the points of 4.5 GPa (image 90), 23 GPa (image 233), 71 GPa (image 400) and 39 GPa (image 700). Steps A and E correspond to the starting and final steps of compression, respectively (the voltage applied to the piezoelectric drive is equal to zero). At the beginning of step B, the force applied by the piezoelectric drive becomes sufficient to change the pressure within the sample chamber. The transition from AHH II to AHH-DMA is observed at around 23 GPa. Within the region B–C the pressure rises to the limit determined by the maximum voltage of the voltage amplifier connected to the piezoelectric drive. Within region D, the voltage applied to the piezoelectric drive decreases, leading to decompression within the sample chamber. The pressure is calculated from the 111 reflection of Au, which is employed as a pressure marker. Error bars of pressure determination should be considered to be equal to the symbol size or smaller.

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