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Figure 1
Examples of Corr-TTC (a) and G-TTC (b) based on Cahn–Hilliard simulations for the same q value. The different options for the g2 cuts are also illustrated in (b): the CCS (purple dashed line) represents the correlation between the present (at time t0) and future dynamics, the ACS (gray dashed line) that between the past and future. The black dashed line represents another possibility – the correlation between the present and past. (c) The evolution of the mean intensity [\overline{I} = \langle I\rangle] of the system. (d) A comparison between β = σ2/〈I2 (purple), [g_{2_{Corr}}(t_{1} = t_{2})-1] (orange) and [g_{2_{G}}(t_{1} = t_{2})] (green). G-TTC is less sensitive to the kinetic changes of the system than Corr-TTC.

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