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Figure 4
(a) Schematic representation of [g_{2_{G,{\rm CCS}}}], which follows equation (16)[link] and Fig. 2[link]. For each Δt, [g_{2_{G,{\rm CCS}}}] represents a different set of τ(t0 + Δt/2) and γ(t0 + Δt/2) pairs. (b) Comparison of g2 cuts for the simulated system for Case 1a, presented in Fig. 3[link], for q = 74 pixels and time = 50. The CCS and ACS cuts from the simulated TTC are represented with orange circles and blue squares, respectively. The black dashed line shows [g_{2_{G,{\rm CCS}}}], calculated via equation (16)[link]. The blue dashed line shows the conventional g2G function, calculated via equation (2)[link].

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