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Figure 12
Crystal structures of (a) shimazakiite-4O, Ca2B2O5, and (b) and (c) two possible stacking sequences with little or no strain, all drawn by VESTA. The 4O polytype is built from only one type of layer (enantiomorph) stacking with different orientations. The orientational relation of each layer and the symmetry elements are shown on the right-hand side of panel (a). Stacking of the same and enantiomorphic layers (indicated as R and L) gives different monoclinic structures. In the stacking sequence of panel (b), a small deformation of the layer is necessary because the oxygen positions of adjacent layers do not exactly match. In the stacking sequence of panel (c), no deformation of the layers is required because the oxygen positions match exactly at the interface of the two layers. The actual 4M structure is based on stacking sequence (c).

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