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Figure 16
(Top row) A comparison of P21212 (No. 18) and two settings of its maximal subgroup P21 (No. 4). One set of equivalent general positions (Wyckoff position 4c) was generated using the command modelkit add "F" {0.460 0.383 0.288/1}. The view in all cases is down the c axis, looking towards the origin; a is downwards and b is to the right. The half-unit-long grey arrows are twofold screw axes; red arrows are twofold rotation axes. A Wyckoff orbit is shown using draw symop @1 @2; draw symop @2 @3; draw symop @3 @4; draw symop @4 @1. Multicoloured orientation frames on atoms indicate the orientation change due to rotation. (Bottom row) The same crystal structure, but now in the bases of two different settings of subgroup P21. In each case, the red unit cell is the original unit cell and the yellow unit cell is for the subgroup. Atoms are coloured by site, showing the splitting of the general position. The loss of symmetry in each case is apparent by the missing symmetry depictions.

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