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Figure 11
Scatter plots illustrating the correlation between the scattering exponent, p, and the SAXS and WAXS intensities for the ROIs in the two advanced Alzheimer's cases (Braak VI, Thal 5) detailed in Table 2[link]. Each scatter plot represents 3721 diffraction patterns. The regions of greatest density of data points are contoured to provide a better visualization of the distribution of points; the individual points observed outside the contours are outliers, often representing patterns from lesions or regions of the scan that fell outside the extent of the tissue (i.e. mica background). The solid black lines are best fits to the data for equations (4[link]) (SAXS data) and (5[link]) (WAXS data) using parameters given in Table 2[link]. EC – entorhinal cortex; HC – hippocampus; PHG – posterior parahippocampal gyrus; CING – anterior cingulate cortex.

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