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Figure 4
The individual 43 120 pixel spectra accumulated in ΔQ = 0.001 Å−1 steps from the transformed (TQ) event data from POWGEN for NIST SRM 660c La11B6 from the 1.0 < l < 2.0 Å band plotted as log(I). The lowest-angle pixels are to the left in this plot; the backscattering pixels are to the right. The lower block of spectra (<30 000) is from the 28-detector side of the instrument horizontal plane; the upper block is from the 12-detector side. The pixel spectra in the upper block are in order of increasing azimuth, while those in the lower block are numbered in reverse azimuthal order across each detector panel and grouped by increasing 2θ. Dark vertical lines are Bragg peaks as they occur in each pixel spectrum.

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