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Figure 3
(a) HRTEM image of ZIF-8 taken along the [111] axis incorporated with the structure model, (b) the interface of ZIF-8 and (c) the CTF-corrected HRTEM image of the region marked with a green square in (b) [reproduced from the work of Zhu et al. (2017BB45), with permission from Springer Nature]. (df) Ligand-terminated {111} surface and metal-terminated {100}/{111} kink: (left) structural model; (middle) processed HRTEM image; (right) the image in rainbow colours to increase the visibility of the ligand contrast [from the work of Zhang et al. (2018BB39), reprinted with permission from AAAS]. (gi) The transition from a sublayer surface to a stable surface: (h) zoom-in image from (g) (a coloured image was used to increase the contrast of chromium trimers) and (i) the structure model of the transition [reproduced from the work of Han et al. (2020BB14), copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH].

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