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Figure 6
(a) iDPC-STEM images of TiO2-in-MOF sample taken from [110] incidence, (b, e) pure MIL-101-Cr, (c, f) 23%-TiO2-in-MIL-101-Cr and (d, g) 42%-TiO2-in-MIL-101-Cr, and (h) illustration of two types of mesopore [reproduced with permission from Springer Nature from the work of Jiang et al. (2020BB16)]. (ik) iDPC-STEM images of Pt encapsulated in the UiO-66 framework: (i) pure UiO-66-NH2, (j) 0.2Pt@UiO-66 and (k) 0.5Pt@UiO-66 with normalized intensity profiles along different axes [reprinted with permission from Liu, Chen et al. (2023BB25), copyright 2023 American Chemical Society].

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