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Figure 7
(ab) Reconstructed images of Na-LTA based on the ePIE algorithm along the [100] and [110] zone axes with structural models [reprinted with permission from Dong et al. (2023BB7), copyright 2023 American Chemical Society]. (cd) Ptychographic reconstruction of MOLs from 4D-STEM data with information transfer to 1/2.36 Å−1, (e) an image showing Hf clusters and BTB ligands, and (f) ptychographic reconstruction of a simulated dataset of Hf MOLs with four layers [reproduced from the work of Peng et al. (2022BB30) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License]. (gh) Distinction between coexisting MFI and MEL phases, and (i) identification of O vacancies in ZSM-5 [from Zhang et al. (2023BB40), reprinted with permission from AAAS].

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