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Figure 4
(a) The ground truth density of phytochrome, which was used in the calculation of RFSC, followed by the real-space models of the same reconstructions as in Fig. 2[link]. (b) and (c) correspond to the strong-signal case, with an average of 1407 signal photons per pattern, and (d) and (e) to the weak-signal case, with an average of 1056 signal photons per pattern. (b) and (d) are from data sets with no background, and (c) and (e) are from data sets with an average of 448 background photons per pattern. (b) and (d) look very similar, which matches the similarity in Fig. 2[link]: both of these had an RFSC of 3.84 Å. (c) looks significantly worse, with an RFSC of 6.1 Å, and (e) has a very low resolution of RFSC = 20.86 Å.

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