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Figure 1
(a) A schematic drawing of the all-polymer fixed-target chip construction layers, adapted from Gu et al. (2023BB14) with the permission of AIP Publishing. There are two crucial features of the design. First, a CO2 laser is used to cut the adhesive spacer that controls the sample thickness (layer 4) and the thick supporting PMMA frame with double-sided adhesive on one side (layer 2). These layers establish the geometry of the fixed-target chip. The thin films that enclose the sample and through which the X-ray beam passes (layer 3) can be fabricated out of various polymer thin films. The system is completely tailorable to meet user sample and beamline requirements. Layer 1 is a removable protective cover layer of Crystal Clear tape that prevents window film damage and sample dehydration. (b) A 3D schematic drawing of a fixed-target chip in the customized acrylic storage chamber. The chamber design allows for direct imaging during crystallization without having to open the chamber. The indent on the acrylic chamber was designed to snugly fit the chip to minimize the free volume that the sample must equilibrate with. Less than 1% sample volume/weight change is needed to equilibrate between 0 and 100% relative humidity conditions (Gu et al. 2023BB14).

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