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Figure 8
Crystal size and density obtained using different crystallization conditions and counter-diffusion setups. The error bars represent the variation in crystal size and the number of crystals per microscopy image from the three independent trials. At least four image frames were taken over different regions of the chip to account for variation in crystal density (counts per frame). Different crystallization conditions were used: `2M' stands for 2 M NaCl with 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer pH 4.6, which yields regular sized (∼30 µm) crystals in microbatch crystallization; `3%' stands for 3%(w/v) NaCl in 0.5 M Tris–HCl pH 8.5, conditions that typically yield larger (∼80 µm) crystals in microbatch crystallization; and `regular' stands for typical microbatch conditions in a microfluidic chip. These microbatch conditions were achieved with a 1:1 mixture of protein solution and precipitating buffer in the channels. Counter-diffusion setups included `upside down' for `upside-down chip in chamber', where the chip was placed upside down in a petri dish and contacted with a reservoir of precipitation buffer; `hydro­gel' for a 30% pluronic F127 hydro­gel reservoir chip; and `overhead' and `filter paper' for a reservoir in a storage chamber with direct contact with the precipitation buffer or indirect contact through filter paper, respectively.

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