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Figure 1
The 2D-LC meshes on the {01.2} and {01.8} forms of calcite, taken from the homo-epitaxy of Table 1. One can see that the vector ⅔ × [[12 {\overline 1}]] of the {01.2} form is twice the basic ⅓ × [[12 {\overline 1}]]. Moreover, it is obvious that the vectors ⅔ × [[12 {\overline 1}]] and [100] of the {01.2} macro-cell (orange) nearly equal the vectors ⅓ × [[84 {\overline 1}]] and [010] of the {01.8} macro-cell (red). In such a way, we show that the rectangular cells indicated in Rank 1a of Table 1[link] are practically identical.

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