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Figure 3
(a) A typical image under transmission light mode with the distances of faces (101)/(101) [1], (101)/(101) [2] and (021)/(021) [3], and the two measured distances of faces (021) and (021) between the edges of faces (010)–(021) and (021)–(021) [4] and faces (021) and (021) between the edges of faces (010)–(021) and (021)–(021) [5]. (b) A schematic drawing of the section cutting across {021} faces [dashed purple line with arrows in (a)] to show the parameters for estimating the distance between {010} faces. (c) A schematic drawing to estimate the tilt angle (ω) of {010} faces if h1h2. The values in (a) were converted from the measured pixels on the basis of the scale bar after calibration.

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