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Figure 4
(a) Normal distances between paired crystal faces during crystal growth in a growth cell at σ = 1.05. The symbols represent the lengths of the (101)/(101) faces (red triangles), (101)/(101) faces (blue diamonds), (021)/(021) faces (green circles) and (010)/(010) faces [purple squares, crosses and dashes). Purple symbols show the lengths of (010)/(010) faces based on the shadow-width measurements at opposite edges: δ1 (squares), δ2 (crosses) and their average (dashes). (b) Initial growth-rate kinetic data highlighting the early-stage normal distances (lengths) used for growth-rate fittings at σ = 1.05. The symbols represent the lengths of (101)/(101) faces (red triangles), (101)/(101) faces (blue squares), (021)/(021) faces (green circles) and (010)/(010) faces (purple dashes), with dotted lines indicating the linear fits.

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