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Figure 5
Simulated PDDFs and scattering profiles for the artificial 1:1 adduct of STMV [green structure in the inset of (a), PDB code 1a34; Larson et al., 1998BB47] protein shell and LDH (cyan/magenta structure, PDB code 1i10; Read et al., 2001BB48) using distance-histogram methods. PDDF profiles are shown in (a) and (b): blue, protein shell alone; green, RNA alone; and red, protein shell + RNA. (a) PDDFs for individual molecules. The ratios between PDDF profiles in this presentation are the same as the PDDFs derived from SAXS data normalized by respective molar concentrations. The inset of (a) is the cross-section view of two 1:1 STMV–LDH adducts, differentiated by the LDH position in the STMV shell. Red and magenta PDDF profiles are for the two STMV–LDH adducts: green shell + cyan LDH and green shell + magenta LDH, respectively. (b) PDDFs in (a) rescaled to have the same ratios as the PDDFs derived from SAXS data normalized by respective mass concentrations. (c) Simulated XS profiles.

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