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Figure 2
The concept of EDLD texture measurement. (A) Laue diffraction from a single crystal. (A)(i) The white beam is diffracted and single reflections hit the detector. (A)(ii) A representation in reciprocal space. Reflections occur where the Ewald sphere intersects the reciprocal crystal lattice. The Ewald sphere radius depends on the wavelength λ. In the white beam, a continuous spectrum from λmin to λmax is present. (B) Laue diffraction from a strongly polycrystalline sample. (B)(i) In this case, many orientations contribute, yielding a multitude of reflections. (B)(ii) A representation in reciprocal space. The reciprocal lattice is smeared out due to the many crystallite orientations. In the case of a completely random orientation, continuous hollow spheres would be present. For a given energy (or Ewald sphere) we can see a powder pattern (made of rings) on the detector. In the case of a texture, the rings show modulated intensity. Ewald spheres of different radii (originating from different incident wavelengths) intersect the reciprocal object at different points, thus providing information about intensity variations in the rings (spheres). (B)(iii) The diffraction patterns recorded at different energies in one shot show varying signals at different energies, which can be used to obtain information about the 3D orientation distribution of the crystallites (crystallographic texture).

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