Figure 4
Data for pig insulin according to Baker et al. (1988 ). (a) Asymmetric unit located in the primitive rhombohedral unit cell. (b) Symmetry operations for the crystal structure of pig insulin (rhombohedral axes). (c) Relation between the descriptions using rhombohedral axes and hexagonal axes. (d) Asymmetric unit located in the obverse triple hexagonal cell. (e) Symmetry operations for the crystal structure of pig insulin (hexagonal axes). (f) Complete fragment of one sheet of packed hexamers of pig insulin. (g) One insulin hexamer from panel (f), represented as a compact oblate spheroid, constituted of three insulin dimers coordinated around two Zn ions. (h) Packing of oblate spheroid insulin hexamers, with layers distinguished by colour. (i) Rhombohedral shape for pig insulin crystals. (j) Oblate spheroid representation for an insulin hexamer with symmetry axis along c. |