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Figure 1
WAXS data collected on three breast tissue biopsies, all containing MC classified according to the level of malignancy (benign, DCIS, malignant/IDC). The 1D WAXS profiles, shown in (a) and in (b) as a zoom-in on the region Δq = 1.8–2.4 Å, refer to the selected components extracted after segmentation. Component 0 is the background while components 1–4 refer to the crystalline structures forming the MC: hy­droxy­apatite (HAP, blue/component 1, green/component 2 and red/component 3) and whitlockite (WHIT, orange/component 4), as determined after Rietveld analysis of classified WAXS signals and shown in (c)–(f). The WAXS microscopy images (g)–(u) after signal-classification analysis show the location of HAP and WHIT in the samples [with colour coding identical to the spectra in (c)–(f)]. Explored area: 3 × 2 mm. Raw data in this figure have been partially discussed by Vanna et al. (2020BB48) and Morasso et al. (2023BB34).

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