Figure 2
XRF analysis of MC: effective sample thickness and XRF analysis for the benign sample (first column), DCIS (middle column) and IDC (right column). Row 1: effective sample thickness as derived from X-ray absorption at 2.5 keV. Three contour lines mark the effective sample thicknesses of 0.3 µm (white), 0.5 µm (red) and 1 µm (black) calculated under the assumption of HAP type B material being imaged. The lines for 0.5 and 1 µm effective thickness are added to all other plots in this figure. A black star, circle, triangle or diamond shape marks the locations where the XRF spectra shown in Fig. 3 were recorded. Row 2: fluorescence intensity map for Ca taken at 4.2 keV. Row 3: fluorescence intensity map for P taken at 4.2 keV. Row 4: P mass-fraction map as calculated from XRF data taken at 4.2 keV. Row 5: fluorescence intensity map for Mg taken at 2.1 keV. Row 6: Mg mass-fraction map derived from data taken at 2.5 keV. The intensity maps for P (4.2 keV) and Mg (2.1 keV) relate to the same sample and measurement at 2.5 keV as presented in Fig. S2 of Morasso et al. (2023 ). The Mg mass fraction (Row 6) data are also shown in Fig. 1(a) of Morasso et al. (2023 ). Note the different scaling of data in the different panels. Scale bars: 100 µm. |