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Figure 6
Estimated mass fraction as a function of effective sample thickness, calculated for an exit angle of 6° of the sample surface relative to the detector. The vertical dotted solid line roughly marks where the edge (∼1.1 µm) of the microcalcification region of the sample is located. (a) P mass fraction as derived from data taken at 4.2 keV, assuming a theoretical mass fraction for Ca of 0.39. For comparison, the theoretical mass fractions for HAP type A and type B are marked as horizontal blue and black lines, respectively. (b) Mg mass fraction derived from data at 2.5 keV, assuming that P has the theoretical mass fraction of 0.196. (c) Mg mass fraction derived from data at 2.5 and 4.2 keV, assuming that Ca has the theoretical mass fraction of 0.39. For further technical details, see Section S1.5.2.

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ISSN: 1600-5767
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