Figure 1
Interface quartz–coesite structures with periodic boundary conditions. Red lines are lattice planes with a common orientation. Interfaces are shown with dashed lines. (a) Details of the magnified interface cell (upper) and the quartz–coesite orientation relationship (lower). Coesite (middle layer) oriented (1321)Qz||(010)Coe in quartz (left and right layers of the interface cell, shown as black lines). The interface plane has the orientation (1121)Qz||(110)Coe. (b) Coesite (left layer in the interface cell) oriented (1011)Qz||(010)Coe in quartz. The interface plane has the orientation (1231)Qz||(021)Coe. The atom positions correspond to the equilibrium positions. Oxygen atoms are shown as red spheres, while the positions of silicon atoms are inside blue tetrahedrons. |