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Figure 3
Calculated refraction and light paths within a well centered crystal in the DAC at a 14° angle of incidence (a) without an additional PTM layer and (b) with a 0.05 mm PTM layer. After rotating the DAC by 180°, the red and green light rays are completely or almost completely overlapped. In scenarios (c)–(e), the crystal in the DAC is offset from the goniometer center by 0.1 mm. Scenarios (d) and (e) also introduce an additional PTM layer of 0.05 and 0.07 mm, respectively. After a 180° DAC rotation, the light rays remain parallel in the same type of optical medium. The DAC in two orientations at 0° and after rotating 180° on the vertical axis is shown as purple and light blue lines, respectively, and the corresponding light rays are shown in red and green.

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