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Figure 5
X-ray diffraction results from the solid rod crystal produced using a protein concentration of 50 mg mL−1 in a 0.2 mm capillary after 8 weeks. Full 3D data sets were recorded at regular ∼200 µm intervals along the length shown. The merged statistics at 1.7 Å resolution cut-off are shown above each of the points measured, except for run 5 (asterisk) for which maximum resolution could be set at 2.1 Å. The data collection points on the image photographed using unpolarized light are colour coded to designate high quality (green tick; numbers 1 and 5–7), intermediate quality (yellow bracketed tick; numbers 8–9) and poor quality (red cross; runs 2–4 and 10–12). The photograph beneath this was recorded using polarized light and reveals additional physical growth observations. The lower picture shows the mesh scan acquired from the same sample with its relative intensity signal scale bar on the left.

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