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Figure 2
Dependence of SAS intensities on parameters σk, Γ and α, shown as [I(Q\tilde{d})] with the average inter-plane distance [\tilde{d}\equiv{{1} / {k_0}}]: (a) With Γ = 128 and α = 0, increasing σk from 0 to 0.5 progressively broadens the three correlation peaks in [I(Q\tilde{d})] until they disappear, similar to the effect of increasing the d variation in the ideal lamellar model (Nallet et al., 1993BB69). (b) With Γ = 128 and σk = 0.05, increasing α from 0 to 0.5 reduces the intensity of even-numbered peaks, while odd-numbered peaks remain largely unaffected. This trend parallels findings from contrast variation SANS experiments (Doe et al., 2009BB34) and resembles the influence of δ in the ideal lamellar model (Nallet et al., 1993BB69). (c) With σk = 0.05 and α = 0, increasing ln Γ from 0 to 5 smears the higher-order peaks, similar to the effects observed with increasing σk, though the primary peak remains unchanged. Unlike in the ideal model, variations in Γ effectively capture lamellar phase distortions.

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