Figure 2
Electrostatic potential map with equipotential lines (a)–(c), variation of the electrostatic potential volume (VEPFe) of the Fe atom (e) and asymmetric ratio (P1/P2) of electrostatic potential distribution around the As ion (f) as a function of F-content (x) at 19.5 K. Tc are plotted in (g). The dashed curve around Fe in (a)–(c) is the trace of the local minimum points of electrostatic potential around the Fe atom. The minimum points, P1 (P2), of electrostatic potential distribution around the As ion are shown in (d) which is the one-dimensional plot of the dashed line crossing the center position of the La and the As ion. Tconset and Tcs in (g) are defined by the onset temperatures of the Meissner signals and the temperatures of the structural phase transition from a tetragonal phase to an orthorhombic phase. |
ISSN: 2052-2525