Figure 18
(a) A comparison of the room-temperature O K-edge XAS spectra of bulk ZnO (black solid circles) and dodecylamine-capped (Amine) ZnO NPs (red, open circles) [from Guglieri et al. (2014 )] and the theoretical computations. For the sake of comparison, the ZnO spectrum reported by Chen et al. (2012 ) has been included (red, dot-dashed line). (b) A comparison of the O K-edge XAS spectra of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles and films [from Chen et al. (2012 ) and Ma et al. (2009 ), respectively] and the theoretical computations performed for ZnO, ZnAl2O4 and Al2O3. The computed spectra (dashed lines) have been convoluted with a Lorentzian shape function to account for the broadening associated with the core–hole lifetime and the experimental resolution. |