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Figure 4
(a) The rutile average structure of Fe3+OF, in projection along [001] (O/F anions, A, are denoted by small red balls and the Fe atoms are in the FeA6 octahedra). (b) Close to [001], (c) 〈[0{\overline 1}4]〉 and (d) 〈110〉 zone-axis EDPs of FeOF. Note the presence of G±[[1{\overline 1}0]]* ( continuous) rods of diffuse intensity in (b) (indicated by white arrows) but their systematic absence in (d). Note also the apparent appearance of G±[{1\over 2}][[1{\overline 1}0]]* `satellite reflections' [indicated by white arrows in (d)] arising from the G±[110]* diffuse rods cutting through the ZOLZ.

ISSN: 2052-2525