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Figure 7
[{\overline 1}10]〉 zone-axis EDPs of (a) L3-T0 (MX-1) and (b) an incommensurate polymorph of SiO2-tridymite. The equivalent 〈[{\overline 1}10]〉 zone-axis EDP of high-temperature SiO2-tridymite above 250°C, with its characteristic curved diffuse intensity distribution, is superimposed in order to show that the strongest incommensurate satellite reflections in both cases fall on the characteristic diffuse distribution. Indexing in both cases is with respect to the HP P63/mmc ideal tridymite parent structure. See Withers et al. (1994BB42) and Withers (2003BB39) for details.

ISSN: 2052-2525