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Figure 1
Setups for selecting target points on polished thin sections. Off-axis: (left) the sample visualization system is placed perpendicular to the thin section surface and the target points are searched on the xy plane; (right) before data collection the thin section is placed normal to the incoming beam, and the diffraction pattern is collected by rotating the thin section around the φ tilt axis (dark part = thin section, light part = glass substrate). On-axis: (left) the visualization system is along the beam axis and the target points are searched on the xz plane; (right) before data collection the system is removed, and in this case the diffraction pattern is collected by rotating the thin section around the vertical φ tilt axis. The number of collected spots can be increased by an additional collection with the thin section rotated by Δχ = 90° around the axis defined by the beam.

Volume 2| Part 4| June 2015| Pages 452-463
ISSN: 2052-2525