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Figure 1
(a), (b) The dependence of η and the visibility of scattering patterns on the scattering vector q for I1/I2 = 1/25, 1/5, 1, 5 and 25 for two spherical particles of radii R1 = 75 nm and R2 = 50 nm. η(q) takes any value greater than or equal to zero, and thus the maximum value of the visibility corresponds to the complex degree of coherence. In part (a), q1 and q2 satisfy η(q1) = 0 and η(q2) = +∞, respectively. For I1/I2 = 1/5, 1, 5 and 25, the visibility shows a peak in q < q1. For I1/I2 = 1/25, the visibility shows a peak in q1 < q < q2. For all cases, the first peak value in the visibility along the q direction (q > 0) corresponds to |γ(r1, r2; 0)|. (c), (d) The dependence of the visibility of scattering patterns on the scattering vector q for I1/I2 = 1/25, 1/5, 1, 5 and 25 for two spherical particles of similar size [for part (c), R1 = 51 nm and R2 = 50 nm; for part (d), R1 = 76.5 nm and R2 = 75 nm].

Volume 2| Part 6| September 2015| Pages 620-626
ISSN: 2052-2525